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Save money. Save energy. Save the Planet.

Save money
Save money

Your home energy system with battery backup allows you to produce and store energy to use at times of day when energy costs are the highest and at night when the sun is down.

Be part of the solution
Be part of the solution

Your Swell home energy system takes pressure off the grid and prevents more power plants from being built. Be part of the clean energy revolution that cleans the air and cools the planet.

Get power security
Get power security

Gain energy independence and avoid Public Safety Power Shutoffs and outages caused by a strained grid. When the power goes out, yours stays on!

As our customer, you'll work with a Swell Clean Energy expert as your single point of contact throughout your transition to clean energy. We'll make sure you get the best savings possible with state rebates and federal tax incentives for your Swell clean energy system. And, we'll handle much of the paperwork!